
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Network Communication

Ever since the beginning of time, people have had an uncontrollable need to communicate. Our nature drives us to exchange ideas, information, and opinions. Without communications, we can't learn. Without learning, we can't grow. And without growth, we shrivel up and disappear. Creativity and communication drive the human race more than any other force. They are essential elements of life.
Networking is the ultimate level of communication. It transcends words and pictures to provide pathway for thoughts, ideas and dreams. Networking as it exists today is the result of millions of years of evolution and growth.
If we go through the history of communication, Charles Babbage and Countess of Lovelace are listed as the pioneer in the field of present communicating world. They developed new concept of character representing. Suddenly, the alphabet shrunk from twenty six characters to two: 0 and 1. The world was thrust into a technological era that would spawn numerous networking inventions including the telephone, phonograph, motion pictures and the television. Finally, data communications was born a century later when computers were linked across distances. Your life will go on changing.
NASA uses data communications tot control the space shuttle and realign geosynchronous satellites, surgeons perform computerized operations from miles away, and because of data communications, today's work force is better to balance home and work by working from home, or telecommuting. Data communications has had a profound effect on humanity.
The world will go on changing. It will become a small global village. In the new information age, humans will become very big fish in a very small pond.

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